
While upgrading the instrument firmwares, you might need to download and install a driver first. Please find them below.


Product Description Release Type

Communication component

2.13 exe

USB driver for Windows© XP, Windows© VISTA 32 bits and Windows© 7 32 bits

D.00 exe

USB driver for Windows© 2000

2000 exe

USB driver for Windows© VISTA 64 bits and Windows© 7 64 bits

USB driver

USB driver exe


USB driver download and installation instructions:


Under windowsXP and further:

  • Connect the instrument to the USB port of the computer and switch it on.
  • Windows© automatically detects the connection and offers to search for the driver on Internet:
    • If the search is authorized, the driver is automatically downloaded and installed
    • If the search is not performed, it is necessary to manually install the driver using the above file named AoipUsbInstall, USB driver for Windows© XP, Windows© VISTA 32 bits and Windows© 7 32 bits.
  • After installation, the USB port is considered as a standard port (COMx).


 Under  windows8 :

  • Install the driver using the above file named AoipUsbInstall, USB driver for Windows© 2000.
  • Note: During the installation, according to the security parameters of the computer, some warning messages might be displayed showing the driver has not digital signature. You can ignore these messages.
  • Connect the instrument to the USB port of the computer and switch it on
  • After installation, the USB port is considered as a standard port (COMx).