Heat Spy® Monitor R40 Series Fixed Infrared Sensor
. Back-lit 5-Digit LCD display with 4-Key Pad for convenient on-site viewing and setting.
. 12-Pin connection cable for simultaneous analog/digital input and output. • . 0-20 or 4-20 mA Linear Current Loop, sub-range programmable, user selectable.
• RS485 for networking, up to 32 sensors.
• Relay for alarm and PLC control, user programmable.
• External Input for reset and parameter adjusting of AVG, PEAK HOLD and VALLEY HOLD.
. Built-in Laser to simplify alignment operation. (Not available on Models P3 or F4)
. Programmable for OEM applications through RS485 for remote setup and monitoring.
. Optional non-contact Thermocouple Type IR tube with extremely long life is available as an alternative to traditional contact thermocouples